- MEET YOUR FAMILY WELLNESS CHIROPRACTORDR DEE: Webster-Certified | Prenatal, Pediatric & Family Chiropractor
“The preservation of health is easier than the cure of disease.”
-BJ Palmer
Hello There!
I’m Dr. Dee. Welcome to Flourish Chiropractic!
I am a loving mama & wife with a deep passion to support families achieve better health & quality of life.
I believe that each person was created to thrive & thus deserves to reach their highest level of wellness to fulfill their purpose.
So whether you’re looking for a more holistic pain management solution or you’re looking to improve your overall health, I would love to work with you to help you reach your wellness goals! At Flourish, we don’t hold you hostage because wellness, like any other thing in life is a choice!
I was born & raised in The Gambia, West Africa where I lived till the age of 17 when I moved to the U.S.
My chiropractic journey began with me stumbling upon chiropractic when I was looking for work after college. I was offered a job as a chiropractic assistant at a practice in Minneapolis. From that point on, it was love at first sight! Without initially knowing anything about chiropractic, I was amazed at how it transformed the lives of the many patients we saw. As a result, it was a no-brainer that a year later, I would enroll at Northwestern Health Sciences University to become a Doctor of Chiropractic.
Since graduating in 2012, I have had an incredible health & wellness journey both in chiropractic and beyond. I have had the privilege of walking alongside and guiding so many patients in their wellness journey. Whether it's helping patients recover from chronic pain and injury or experience a healthy and comfortable pregnancy or figure out how to implement healthy lifestyle habits for themselves and their families, the journey has been absolutely rewarding!
One of my absolute favorite success stories that still continues to inspire me was the life-changing opportunity to guide my dad in switching his diet to a whole-food, nutrient-dense one and as a result reversing his Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis without any medication or insulin.
All these experiences have taught me about innate wisdom, the power that gives our bodies life and allowing us to heal & thrive. And above all, the importance of forming lifestyle habits that support it.
I have since taken a holistic & vitalistic approach to my health, wellbeing and lifestyle which has in turn, fueled my passion to help create a community with healthier families that are thriving and being the best version of themselves.
When I’m not serving my patients, I enjoy exploring new things and places, making beautiful memories with my 2 kids and husband & spending time with family and friends.
I am so grateful that chiropractic chose me and that I get to touch the lives of the patients I encounter both physically & emotionally. I hope to continue to help transform the wellbeing of the individuals and families I get to serve.
I look forward to connecting or meeting you and helping you flourish in your health & wellness journey!Peace & Blessings,
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